Health,  Parenting

Why We Chose a Homebirth

I’m not going to lie, I had an easy first delivery. Despite being induced and receiving pitocin, everything else was natural, smooth and quick! I was induced around 7am and my water broke on it’s own a couple hours later. Although my pregnancy was considered “high-risk” due to my sons umbilical cord missing an artery, I was still allowed to labor in the low intervention room at the hospital! What a huge blessing that was! Being able to use the birthing ball and tub during labor (not for delivery though) was so helpful, more comfortable and ultimately I believe played a huge role in my quick, smooth experience!

However, when we found out we were expecting our second baby, I knew I not only wanted to have a similar experience, but shoot for even lower intervention and more comfort. I had considered a home birth long before conceiving Tobias but his umbilical cord issue prevented it from being an option. This time was a different story! A local midwife was highly recommended to me and after meeting with her and asking questions we decided to go for it!

There are several things that made me choose a home birth with a midwife but many of those reasons revolved around the delivery. Never did I dream that I would appreciate the appointments and process during my pregnancy so much! Here are a couple reasons I’ve enjoyed this alternative care so much:

  1. She Comes to Me

I don’t think I fully understood how helpful this would be until we were already seeing her! There have been times that we have scheduled my appointments during Tobias’s nap time! He gets his nap on time and at home and I don’t have to worry about scheduling accordingly! Easy peasy!

I appreciate the fact that I don’t have to bring a toddler to a doctor’s office and keep him happy and quiet in a waiting room. With my previous OBGYN my wait could be about 45 minutes until I was brought to another room to wait a little longer only to see my doctor for close to 10 minutes. At the time it was no big deal and I was happy to do all the waiting necessary! However, waiting with a toddler is an entirely different story. I’ve been thankful that we can wait here in the comfort of our home for my midwife to arrive!

Having my appointments at home also means that Tobias can either sit with me or play with his toys in the living room! There’s no trying to keep him happy, still and out of trouble while I’m laying on the table trying to hear a little heartbeat!

An extra bonus: Lexi, my midwife’s daughter, voluntarily read Tobias a book and was sweet enough follow him around as he showed her his favorite toys! 😁

2. Tobias is Involved

This last appointment was very fun and extra special! When my midwife and her daughter came, Tobias was awake and they both made sure to include him and let him “help”! He was shown the stethoscope and able to try it out AND my midwife let him use the doppler all by himself on my belly before helping him find our baby’s heartbeat! Tobias was so intrigued with the doppler and his face lit up when they found the baby’s heartbeat! My midwife’s daughter was sweet enough to capture the moment and get some quick pictures!
I’m hoping that including Tobias in my appointments can make him feel important instead of forgotten while also encouraging the excitement of welcoming a new baby!

Tobias listens as Robin Massey CPM explains what we are doing!
Looking for baby brother’s heartbeat!
The face he made when they found the heartbeat! Isn’t that precious?! 🙂

3. Communication

We communicate through text in between appointments if I have a question. It has been helpful for asking quick questions while they are in my head or something as simple as looking for recommendations for prenatal vitamins! Whatever it may be, it’s nice to know I can quickly, easily and personally get a hold of her!

4. She Takes Her Time

I never feel rushed and never end an appointment feeling like I didn’t have enough time. She’s not in and out in a hurry, but instead sits down and asks, listens, takes notes and chats with me about any questions, concerns, or symptoms, etc. I realize OBGYN’s do the same, but having a midwife with less patients and more time allows for much more relaxed and slower paced appointments!

So far I have loved our experience and am thankful we have been able to choose this route! I’m eager to see what delivery at home is like and how it may differ from my first delivery!

Have you had a home birth or considered it? I’d love to hear!


Sharing what God and life throw at me!

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