
Enjoying the Horses

Getting outside and enjoying the horses has not happened in some time now. During these past few months, I’m afraid they haven’t gotten nearly as much attention and there are streaks where I won’t even go spend time with them for a week or two at a time! Andrew faithfully feeds and waters them and I stay inside with Tobias while playing or making dinner. I really miss the warm evenings where we all could go out and enjoy the fresh air out in the pasture while petting the horses. Seeing Tobias smile when you set him on their backs just melts my heart and makes me so happy to see he enjoys them too! It seems like this winter has been extra long, cold, and wet and its not even spring yet!

So when the temperature was pushing 40 degrees today and the sun was trying to make an appearance, we took advantage of the “pretty weather” and went out to say hello to the horses!

Namaji (horse), Tobias, and Andrew

I bought Joey (a Missouri Foxtrotter) as a 3 year old when I was 14! He has quite the personality and is never far away. He’s always looking for attention or treats!

Our sweet neighbor brought us some massive carrots the other day to give to our horses! Because they were extra long, Tobias was able to feed the horses himself which he loved!

Namaji (a Tennessee Walker) is a big boy who is 17.2 hh! To give you some perspective, my husband is 6’6!

But we call him our “gentle giant”! 🙂

Tobias loves animals so much and enjoys petting them, riding around the yard, and watching the horses whether from inside or up close!

Despite how much he enjoyed petting the horses and helping feed them carrots, Tobias was pretty tired! (We took him inside and laid him down for his nap right after.)

We had a lot of fun although we weren’t out there long! I’m so eager for spring to get here so we can have more fun outside with the animals!


Sharing what God and life throw at me!

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