I Have a Confession…
I’m going to open up and confess something today. Do I have your attention? I’m sure many of you clicked on this post simply to learn what juicy bit of information I’ll be sharing and that’s okay. Confession is not simply acknowledging something in your head and whispering a prayer to God.
In James we are commanded to confess to each other!
“Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another.” -James 5:16
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” -1 John 1:9
I think our instincts are to keep our mistakes and sin a secret. To hide it away and try to deal with it on our own. It can be hard to be vulnerable and share what’s on our mind and what’s truly in our heart. To admit we have made mistakes, been wrong, been sinful.
Yet no matter how hard it may be, we are commanded to confess, to open up and to be vulnerable. That is how growth, improvement, maturing and forgiveness can begin.
So confess I must:
I have put something before God.
“What?! Why? How?” You may ask. Well hold on to your hats and keep your pants on! I’m going to tell you!
The other day my husband accused me of becoming obsessed with something. I strongly disagreed and laughed it off. But when my husband proceeded to look up the definition and read it aloud I had to agree with him!
(Obsessed: “preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent.”)
It wasn’t an object, hobby or person, but a subject and gathering as much information as I could about this new subject I had stumbled upon. (If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you probably know what I’m talking about as I have been sharing articles and info.)
Now, I am not saying I regret looking into it. And I’m not saying it is bad or even that I’ll stop researching completely! But I do feel convicted for allowing it to take so much time away from my family and housework…and from my time with God.
Even good things can quickly turn into something bad if it becomes an obsession and takes time away from God! We are commanded to not have any “gods” (hobbies, objects, people, money, etc.) besides God. (Exodus 20:3)
By choosing to swap my Bible time for time reading articles and studies, I have made this a “god”! Instead of praying and dwelling in His presence, I chose to think, dwell and worry about this new “god”.
It’s a hard pill to swallow and a harder thing to admit!
But my husband was right and nearly a week after confronting me, I felt convicted to openly confess.
So there, I have confessed! But I realize change must happen. How do I find balance? I’m not completely sure. How do I prevent this from coming before God? Well for starters, I plan to have my time with the Lord BEFORE picking up my phone to do anything else!
Also, I will make more of an effort to leave my phone in my room or keep it in my pocket and be more present with my family and finish my housework!
Will I still read, post, research and have a voice on that which I’m passionate about? You betcha! But from now on I’ll be making more of an effort to keep it from becoming such an “obsession” and “god”.
I challenge you to be honest with yourself and question whether or not there is something you have been giving all your attention and energy to! Is it taking time away from your family or from God?