
Seeking Truth Pt.1

Last night I slumped down feeling helpless, wondering what was true, what was false and wondering how quickly our nation has come to where we are and what I could do.

We are still feeling the effects of Covid-19. Although many had expected the chaos to “ease up” or slow down by now, it’s been far from reality. Last Friday our city council voted a mask ordinance into effect. There are mask checkers at the doors to grocery stores and rumor has it “spies” (aka your neighbor, relative, coworker, etc.) may come to the authorities with info on those who are “uncompliant”. “Has no one learned from history? Has no one been eerily reminded of the Holocaust?” I wondered.

I’ve seen plenty of differing opinions and a variety of studies and reviews. What statistics are true? Who do we believe?

During this time, more and more reports of human trafficking and many horrors most Americans have been blind to have recently surfaced. Claims of corrupt celebrities and political leaders have left me sick, speechless and…utterly horrified. Is it true? I’ve seen more and more people going to social media to publicly put the pieces together and connect the dots, share info, pictures…clues. How do we know? How can it be? Is it true? What can I do?

I wanted to say something. To share. To help expose the horrors and call for justice to prevail, but discourage gripped my heart.
“I have a hard enough time keeping house, taking care of the kids, having a daily quiet time and planning meals. How am I ever going to find the time to leap into this black hole of information to find the answers? How do I find the truth and how do I find the time to do it?” I despaired.
It was then the Holy Spirit spoke.

He said, “Jen, do not get too focused on exposing the truth of current events and circumstances that you neglect to seek and proclaim THE TRUTH of the gospel!”

I froze.

That’s just what I had been doing. I had been a Martha, so busy trying to expose evil that I had neglected to be seeking the good. I had exposed some lies but hadn’t taken the time to share the ultimate truth.

He spoke again.

“None of the answers, the truth or falsehood to these claims matter eternally if people are not told the TRUTH about Me.”
This morning at breakfast I opened my Bible to Ephesians 6 and read to the boys about the full armor of God. I was shocked to see the first piece of “armor” that the Lord commands to put on is the belt of truth.
“Of course!” I thought with tears blurring the page. We must first know the Truth before we can go into battle! What good is it to have our feet fitted with readiness if we don’t know what Truth to proclaim? How can we have salvation if we haven’t first been given the truth?

Revelation continued as the Holy Spirit guided my thoughts.
“How easy it should be for me to share the Truth of the gospel! God is the same yesterday, today and forever!” I thought of my frustration with the differing reports and statistics in regard to Covid-19 and pondered,
“The narrative keeps changing about the virus, false claims may arise, human error will occur, but our God is constantly and consistently TRUE. The same. Reliable.” Excitement flooded my heart as I realized what this meant.
I could unashamedly and without hesitation share that truth! The wonderful truth that is hard to hear but true nonetheless is this:

We are ALL sinners headed for hell despite our best efforts. Our only hope is the gift of forgiveness and salvation that was extended to us when God let His Son (Jesus) take our punishment of death on the cross. He died. BUT! Death has no power over our Creator and Jesus defeated death and came back to life three days later! He is now in Heaven preparing to COME BACK AGAIN!!! This I know to be true.

TRUTH. It’s vital. It’s important. Our salvation depends on us seeking TRUTH.

“I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
-John 14:6

“Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
-John 8:32

“This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.”
‭‭-1 Timothy‬ ‭2:3-4

We cannot get too focused on exposing the truth of the current events and circumstances that we neglect to proclaim and seek THE truth of the gospel.

~To be continued

Sharing what God and life throw at me!

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